Category: General HS Final & Provincial Exams

HS Final & Provincial Exams

January 21, 2015

9:00 AM – Science 10 (Provincial) – Room 8

9:00 AM – Science 9 – Room 6

9:00 AM – Biology 11 – Room 8

9:00 AM – Social Studies 8 – Room 7

Students need to be in the exam room 15 minutes before the exam. They must come prepared with pens, pencils, and calculators if required, as well as any other supplies necessary for the exam. Cellphones will be handed in to the invigilator and returned when the exam is over.

School dress code applies to exams.

Students are expected to come to school only for their exams.  This means that students must leave the school when they are finished or make arrangements with a high school teacher to stay and prepare for their other exams. Students will be required to stay for a minimum of one hour.

Christian Life School
8923 112 Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V1J 5H8

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