Contact Us


We’re so glad you’re interested in chatting with us! We are happy to answer any questions you might have and would love to show you around campus and share our passion for education and discipleship with you. You’ll find below a few of the extraordinary staff members who you can contact to find out more about our school, but for a full list of our Administration and Staff please visit this page and click on an individual’s name to send them an email.

Mr. Jones – Principal. Please call 250-785-1437 ext 230 or click here to email him.

Mr. Garry Jones has been at CLS since the Fall of 2015 and has made a big impact on the atmosphere and excellence  in the school. He brings with him 40 years of Pastoral experience, several years of teaching, and a set of valuable handyman skills that prove useful time and again.

Mr. Jones would love to chat with you about our school, the way we teach, and any other questions or concerns you might have.

Mrs. Parks and Mrs. Dyck – Secretaries. Please call 250-785-1437 or click here to send them an email.






Mrs. Aimee Parks and  Mrs. Jenna Dyck are the super heroes  in our School Office. They answer phones, provide Band-Aids for scraped knees, and everything in between. These two women make sure our school runs efficiently, and we couldn’t do what we do without them.

These are the people you need to talk to if you have questions about registration, forms, or anything else you might need.

Mrs. Debbie Krafczyk – Bookkeeper. Please call 250-785-1437 ext 223 or click here to send her an email.

Debbie Krafczyk is our bookkeeper and is the one who makes sure our electricity stays on, our staff gets paid, and she takes care of our financial needs with integrity and diligence.

Mrs. Krafczyk is the woman you need to talk to about bank account and tuition information, or making donations.


General Contact Info

Our phone number is 250-785-1437 and our fax number is 250-785-4852. Please feel free to contact us anytime!

The school is located at 8923 112 Ave, just down the road from the Fort St John Hospital.

The mailing address is 8923 112 Ave, Fort St John, BC, V1J 6G2.